Specification  Services

Burditt Consulting is an Independent Specification Consultant dedicated to improving your construction documents with knowledgeable specification services, tailored to your firm and projects.

Full and Limited Scope Specifications.
Outline, Short Form or Long Form.
Project Manuals.
Coordination with Project Consultants.
Consult during Bidding Phase on substitution requests.
Develop and Maintain In-House Specifications.
Product and Material Research .
Experienced with CSI Format,  MasterSpec, Specs Intact.

Specification Experience

National Gallery of Art - Exterior Restoration Specifications, Maintenance of NGA In-House specifications.
Museum of the Word - Full Specifications.
Washington Navy Yard Archives - Full Specifications/Specs-Intact.
National Presbyterian Church - Full Specifications.
1801 Vine Street, Philadelphia - Full Specifications.

Partial or Limited Scope Specifications:
National Park Service
Carnegie Library
Morgan Library, NYC
200 Tingey St. SE
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Architectural Experience

Ms. Burditt has a wide range of project experience. Contact Burditt Consulting to discuss your project and how I can help you.